These factors deal with when an article is published and/or discovered by Google News:
Time-Based Factors
1=strongest factor; 5=weakest
OpEd Commentary:
“Shouting ‘First!’ with a comment is lame, but is all the rage with Google News. Get your story seen by Google first at all costs.” – AJ Kohn
“First to publish tends to have the second order effect of being the most widely cited, which is critical for Google News rankings.” – Matthew Brown
“Getting the article out before others is a newsroom decision but obviously would help with Google News display of site for a news topic” – Eleanor Hong
“Malformed or missing timestamp in the HTML can tank Google News visibility.” – Matthew Brown
“Quality > quantity” - Chris Mull
“More often, news sites would just update the story with new developments. However, more stories on different perspective of the news topic helps build a site’s authority of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong
“Next day coverage may help build a site’s authority and credibility of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong
Time-Based Factors
1=strongest factor; 5=weakest
OpEd Commentary:
“Shouting ‘First!’ with a comment is lame, but is all the rage with Google News. Get your story seen by Google first at all costs.” – AJ Kohn
“First to publish tends to have the second order effect of being the most widely cited, which is critical for Google News rankings.” – Matthew Brown
“Getting the article out before others is a newsroom decision but obviously would help with Google News display of site for a news topic” – Eleanor Hong
“Malformed or missing timestamp in the HTML can tank Google News visibility.” – Matthew Brown
“Quality > quantity” - Chris Mull
“More often, news sites would just update the story with new developments. However, more stories on different perspective of the news topic helps build a site’s authority of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong
“Next day coverage may help build a site’s authority and credibility of the news topic” – Eleanor Hong
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